The Best Football Games for Kids to Play in the Backyard or Park

Football is a fun and exciting sport that kids of all ages enjoy playing. Whether it’s in the backyard or at the park, there are plenty of football games that kids can play to improve their skills and have fun with their friends. In this article, we will explore some of the best football games for kids to play, and how they can help children develop their abilities and enjoy the sport.

Flag Football – A Safe Alternative to Tackle Football

Flag Football – Football Games for kids to play

Flag football is a popular game that is played as an alternative to tackle football. In this game, each player wears a belt with flags attached to it. The object of the game is to pull the flags off the other team’s belts, instead of tackling them. This makes it much safer for football games for kids to play, as there is less risk of injury.

Keep Away – A Great Game for Improving Footwork

Keep Away is a game that is played with a small group of players, and one ball. The object of the game is to keep the ball away from the other players while trying to get it into a designated area. This game is great for improving footwork and ball-handling skills, as players have to move quickly and change direction frequently.

2-on-2 – A Fun and Competitive Game for Small Groups

2-on-2 – Football Games for kids to play

2-on-2 is one of the football games for kids to play with just two players on each team. The object of the game is to score points by getting the ball into the other team’s goal. This game is great for small groups of kids, as it is both fun and competitive. It also helps players develop their passing and shooting skills.

Punt, Pass and Kick – A Classic Football Game for Kids

Punt, pass, and kick is one of classic the football games for kids to play that has been played for decades. In this game, players take turns punting, passing, and kicking the ball, with points awarded for distance and accuracy. This game is great for improving kicking and throwing skills, as well as for practicing teamwork and sportsmanship.

Red Light, Green Light – A Fun Game for Younger Kids

Red Light, Green Light – Football Games for kids to play

Red Light, green light is one of the football games for kids to play that is great for younger kids who are just starting to learn how to play football. In this game, one player is the “stoplight” and the other players are the “cars”. The stoplight calls out a “green light” to start the game, and then a “red light” to stop it. The object of the game is for the cars to reach the stoplight without being tagged.

Scrimmage – A Great Game for Practicing Teamwork and Strategy

Scrimmage is one of the football games for kids to play that is played with two teams, with the object of scoring points by getting the ball into the other team’s end zone. This game is great for practicing teamwork and strategy, as players have to work together to move the ball down the field. It also helps players develop their passing, catching, and blocking skills.

Sharks and Minnows – A Fun Game for Larger Groups

Sharks and Minnows – Football Games for kids to play

Sharks and Minnows is one of the football games for kids to play which is great for larger groups of kids. In this game, one player is the “shark” and the other players are the “minnows”. The object of the game is for the minnows to run from one end of the field to the other without being tagged by the shark. Once a minnow is tagged, they become a shark, and the game continues until there is only one minnow left.

Touch Football – A Great Game for Learning the Basics

Touch football is one of the football games for kids to play with two teams, with the object of scoring points by getting the ball into the other team’s end zone. In this game, players touch the opposing player with their hands instead of tackling them. Touch football is a great game for kids who are just starting to learn the basics of football, as it teaches them the rules of the game and helps them develop their passing and catching skills.

Ultimate Football – A Fun Twist on Traditional Football

Ultimate football is one of the football games for kids to play with two teams, with the object of scoring points by catching the ball in the opposing team’s end zone. In this game, players can pass the ball to their teammates, but they cannot run with it. Ultimate football is a fun twist on traditional football and helps players develop their passing and catching skills, as well as their teamwork and strategy.

Relay Race – Football Games for kids to play

A relay race is one of the football games for kids to play with multiple teams or just two teams. In this game, players have to run with the ball and pass it to their teammates, until they reach the other end of the field. The first team to cross the finish line wins. The relay race is a fun and active game for kids, as it helps them develop their running and passing skills, as well as their teamwork and coordination.


Playing football games in the backyard or park is a great way for kids to have fun, stay active, and improve their skills. There are plenty of football games that kids can play, from the classic punt, pass, and kick to the fun and competitive 2-on-2. By playing these games, kids can develop their footwork, passing, catching, and blocking skills, as well as their teamwork, sportsmanship, and strategy. Check The Best American Football Games Online to Play for Free.